Messengers of the New Covenant, New Jersey
A Messianic Jewish Fellowship sharing Messiah Yeshua

ONLINE VIDEOS with Mottel Baleston, Messianic Jewish Teacher

Video:  How a Jewish Man
Came To Faith,
Mottel Baleston's Story
from One for Israel  -  5 minutes

Here's a Letter from Mottel about the video (pdf download)


Excerpt of MESSIAH IN THE PASSOVER, 7 minutes

Demonstration of how Messiah Yeshua / Jesus is seen in the traditional Jewish Passover Seder meal. Mottel Baleston is the speaker. He is a Messianic Jewish Teacher based in northern New Jersey. Contact at
Many Christians have grown in an awareness and appreciation for the Jewish roots of their faith and Passover is central in that understanding.

God's Messianic Covenant with our Jewish People - 15 minutes
Summery: Our Jewish People will survive because of God's Covenant Promise to send Messiah.
Mottel Baleston is a teacher in the community of Jewish believers in Messiah Yeshua, whom the world knows as Jesus. This is an excerpt from a Messianic Jewish service with people from diverse backgrounds, both believers and skeptics.   - VIDEO OUTLINE:
1. Jewish survival is assured because of what God will do
2. The 'Pintele Yid' (Jewish core within us) is satisfied only with the God of Israel
3. The Abrahamic Covenant establishes our Jewish People, guarantees our survival and promises a Messiah for Israel and all who receive Him.
Jews, Gentiles and the Messianic New Covenant - 15 minutes
Messengers Messianic Fellowship NJ
Messianic Jewish Teacher Mottel Baleston explains the relationship of Gentile believers in Jesus to The New Covenant of Jeremiah 31, which is made with the Jewish people. Gentile believers are recipients of the spiritual blessings of the Covenant, and are described in Romans 11 as partakers. As believers, they remain Gentiles and do not become Jews, but are called co-heirs and have all spiritual blessings.
Mottel's base is the New Jersey metro area. He often serves as a guest speaker & teacher at congregations interested in the Jewish roots of faith in Jesus.
Video:  Jesus the Jew
from Ariel Ministries - 5 minutes

This Jewish man born in Bethlehem and raised in obscurity in Nazareth in the ancient land of Israel has changed the world and  split time in two! Come and see Jesus/Yeshua in His original context, a Jewish context. Let's explore the possibility that he is the Messiah promised of old!
Video:  Jews, Gentiles, and Christians
from Ariel Ministries - 5 minutes

Who is a Jew? Who is a Gentile? Can a Jew be a believer in Jesus and still be a Jew? What about Christians, are they born as such? The world is full of questions. You are invited to see what the Bible has supplied as answers to these important questions in this short video.
Chinese Subtitles
How a Jewish Man Came To Faith,
Mottel Baleston's Story
from One for Israel  -  5 minutes

Here's a Letter from Mottel about the video (pdf download)

Spanish Subtitles
How a Jewish Man Came To Faith,
Mottel Baleston's Story
from One for Israel  -  5 minutes

Here's a Letter from Mottel about the video (pdf download)

Portuguese Subtitles
How a Jewish Man Came To Faith,
Mottel Baleston's Story
from One for Israel  -  5 minutes

Here's a Letter from Mottel about the video (pdf download)

Russian Narration
How a Jewish Man Came To Faith,
Mottel Baleston's Story
from One for Israel  -  5 minutes

Here's a Letter from Mottel about the video (pdf download) 

Polish Subtitles
How a Jewish Man Came To Faith,
Mottel Baleston's Story
from One for Israel  -  5 minutes

Here's a Letter from Mottel about the video (pdf download) 

Czech Subtitles
How a Jewish Man Came To Faith,
Mottel Baleston's Story
from One for Israel  -  5 minutes

Here's a Letter from Mottel about the video (pdf download) 


Teaching Video DVD's and MP3's by Mottel Baleston
Each year Mottel teaches at the summer discipleship school of Ariel Ministries, Camp Shoshanah. This program has trained
hundreds of Jewish & Gentile believers in the Scriptures, as well as given many an understanding of the place of the
Jewish people in the plan of God.  - Click here to see the many DVD sets of Messianic Teaching subjects available

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e-mail:   MessiahNJ @  
(remove the spaces in the email address)
Messengers Messianic Fellowship  PO Box 274,  Ledgewood, NJ 07852